Project Details

The purpose of the investigation is to determine if, by making use of various HDR imaging techniques, the dynamic range of the schlieren images can be expanded to recover these lost details and reproduce both strong and weak flow features in a single picture.

The thesis required an extensive use of MatLab to blend, process and analyze the schlieren pictures captured in the wind tunnel. The thesis has been written during my Erasmus at The Manchester University.



April 21, 2020




  • matlab
Source Code:


Architecture and Technologies

All the code for the research is written with MatLab. The software initially blends the images taken in the laboratory with different HDR techniques. The software then compares the original photo to the HDR one to calculate the dynamic range expansion and understand where the data content of the image has increased.

To visualize the image in a normal screen, the images need to be tone mapped to fit the dynamic range of the monitor. The HDR images are tone mapped with a wide variety of tone mapping operators, and the quality of the results are then automatically compared by the software using various quality parameters. Other technique used on the research are virtual bracketing blending, tone curve processing, dual ISO HDR on unsteady flows.