Project Details

As an amateur photographer and software developer, I wanted to code a simple website from scratch where I could show my best photos. G.B. Photography is my photo portfolio.

It is a simple yet effective website, particularly the homepage. Pictures are divided by theme in four different galleries, and a small contact form is present for people who could be interested in my work.



October 29, 2018

Site Link:


UI/UX Designer


  • javascript
  • jquery
  • bootstrap
  • docker

Architecture and Technologies

The website was made from scratch without any framework but jQuery and Bootstrap only. Images are hosted on and download on the website with their API. The contact form is handled by so no backend is needed. The website is responsive and accessible from any devices

The website is hosted on my personal Raspberry Pi server, running in a Docker container. Two github actions handle the build and packaging of the containers for both x86 and ARM architectures.