Project Details

Art WhyNot connects venues, artists and fans all together in a unique and innovative network. Conceived during the Covid health crysis, the idea was to help venues and artists after the reopening, with the support of all their fans.

The software let venues organize events, agreeing with the artists upon the show details and the fees, all within the app. The venue can increase the event cachet by offering some coupons that can be used by customers during the week. The customers can explore all the venues and events around them, find an artist to support and book a coupon to be spent in the place the days before the exhibition. This helps the venue to acquire customers and supports the artists as well, that can even get a reward if all the coupons are used before the event starts.



Art WhyNot S.r.l.


May 1, 2021



  • flutter
  • angular
  • nodejs
  • graphql
  • docker
Site Link:

# Play

Architecture and Technologies

As a Full Stack Engineer, I analyzed and designed the system architecture as well as coded the entire software. The database used is a PostgreSQL with a GraphQL layer provided by Hasura. In addition to queries and mutations, Hasura handles authorizations, roles, permissions and all the cron API calls. The backend is a Node.JS server that exposes all the APIs and includes the authentication system. The mobile app is developed with Flutter, also making use of Firebase to handle the social authentication APIs (Facebook and Apple ID), push notifications and Crashlytics. Artists, venues and customers can all use the same app as the system recognize the user and redirect to the related views and functionalities.

A small administration panel has been developed with Angular 10. It is accessible only on the web and only from an administrator, and can show various information about the scheduled events, coupons usage, user sign ups and more. The web app is based on ngx-admin.

Every system component is dockerized and deployed on DigitalOcean. GitLab pipelines handle the build, packaging and delivery of the containers. Other techonolgies used are Nginx (as a proxy) and Certbot (to handle SSL certificates renewals).